EzyDog Command Clicker - Petworkz

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EzyDog Command Clicker

One-Handed Operation

Easy to Hold

Fits all Hand Sizes



Availability: In stock

With its unique hands-free ergonomic design, the EzyDog Command Clicker™ is an effective dog training tool to reward positive K9 behavior through repetition.

The EzyDog Command Clicker is a unique tool for clicker training dogs, in that it fits on your finger.

Perfect for clicker training reactive dogs and to improve dog obedience. If you’re using a clicker for dog training, you’ll know that the more hands you have free, the better.

With it’s one handed operation, you’ll be able to use your free hand to dispense dog treats or to give your dog a pat on the back for a job well done.

Perfect if you are clicker training two dogs simultaneously.

Fits all hand sizes – Universal Fit with a silicone clasp that expands or contracts to all finger sizes.

Adjustable wrist lanyard.


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